Monday, 2 May 2011

This Is War

mood: political
listening to: this is war - 30 seconds to mars
I don’t understand when I see all these people saying they are ‘upset’ because of Osama Bin Laden’s death. He deserved it, didn’t he? I also can’t understand why people don’t get why people are celebrating his death because only one terrorist has been killed, rather than them all.
Strangely enough, the first thought into my head was Harry Potter. How many of you finished the books and were happy that Voldemort was dead? Sure, he was not the ONLY bad guy out there, and there will be more, but Harry and the others had the right to celebrate his death because he caused so much death and destruction in the magical world.

Bin Laden is OUR Voldemort. He may not have been the only terrorist, but he was one bad son of a bitch who deserved to be brought down.

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