Monday, 8 August 2011

Why Is The Future So Scary?

I have recently become aware of how terrified I am of the future, but as this is a recent development I am still trying to figure out why exactly. From a young age we are told how important specific things are to our future; things like education, skills and friendship. Stick in at school - you will need it for the future! Learn to cook and clean - you will need it for the future! Make some friends - you will need them for the future! When we are young we aren't too sure what the future is and when we are going to reach it, especially when our parents are still talking about their future. All we know is that we need a lot of things to handle this future. I suppose that is why the future seems scary, because we can't face it just as we are, we need a collection of 'weapons' made up of skills, education and other people. Every time we fail an exam we think 'oh no, how am I going to face the future now?' When we burn the dinner for the nth time we accept that our cooking skills will not be helping us in the future. When that friendship crumbles or that relationship breaks apart - we fear for our future. Sometimes we just need a parent to sit us down and tells us that it is no problem that we didn't pass Maths or manage to cook a meal without burning something. We should be told that we are fine exactly as we are and that we can handle the future without a plethora of skills or social groups. It would be a nice and comforting reassurance that we all need from time to time.